Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Oooh, noir-y

Just been buggering about with the look of the blog, getting rid of the red and making sure the text reads OK.

The new website - when it's done - will be a bit more minimalist. Black, white, and lots of shades of grey, with the odd bit of colour here and there. Figured it would make sense to make the blog a bit more in keeping with the new design. Also, it's helped me figure out what works and what doesn't before I go near a single line of code.

I think it looks quite nice.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Unforeseen Events

Not a great deal of progress is going on at the moment. Regrettably, real life has reared its ugly inconvenient head and thrown a bunch of awkward and time consuming bloody problems my way, which means that I will be temporarily suspending all writing activity.

Long story short, my housemate is selling his house to move in with his missus, so I need to find a new home. On my salary, and where I live, it's easier said than done. My employers were good enough to let me take today off at short notice, so much browsing of letting agencies has been going on today, with some encouraging results. But mostly disappointment and incredulity at the prices round here.

To be honest, I've been thinking about relocating for a while - I've been getting a bit weary of Chester. It's nice but there's not much in the way of activities or venues for people of my admittedly narrow set of interests, and it's only my small circle of friends in town that make the place worthwhile. They're top notch people, but I feel the lure of the south tempting me and I've realised how little there is stopping me maybe for the first time. There's a greater likelihood of chumming around with artsy types down south than where I am currently, which can only be good for progress into professional writerdom, so it seems to me that my impending homelessness might end up being a blessing in disguise.

Not that I've found a job down there or anything, and I'm going nowhere until that changes. So I'm also looking for a new home here. I'm hoping I can get somewhere decent with an open contract, so if the opportunity arises I can sod off down south at the first opportunity, but can happily stick around if that takes a while to come to fruition.

In addition to that, I've begun the slow, steady process of learning Dreamweaver so I can make some changes to the website to get it looking extra-swanky for this year's batch of convention attendings. I figure if I'm a bit more hands on and creating the content myself there will be much more of me online, so when people visit my site they will feel like they are staring STRAIGHT INTO MY BRAINS!

Plus i can finally get rid of the WIP next to it in the links section of the old blog here.

See? Lots of things rattling around in my head, and sadly this current script is going to have to wait until things settle down again. Once I get myself sorted in my new digs I can knuckle down to the big 2011 website redesign/writing extravaganza. I've only got until July to finish this current script and the next one. After that I was hoping to put comic books down for a while and start writing my book, so I'm already pretty badly behind schedule.

Maybe a new home in perhaps a new hometown will be the kick up the arse I sorely need. Creatively speaking.