Thursday 29 December 2011

Bayou Arcana hits the press!

The festive period brings good cheer! Bayou Arcana, a new project I'm featured in edited by Jimmy Pearson for Markosia, has snatched invaluable column inches in The Guardian today:

As I remarked elsewhere: Boom! Get in!

It's another short story of mine, but this is pretty high profile for me. Even if I'm not actually mentioned in the article itself. Still, I'm in the boook and there it is, and you can't argue with that. Now I'm off to the local Co-op to buy a copy for the old scrapbook.

This was just a quick post to get the link up on the blog - I've been slack on posting for a while, for a variety of reasons, but I'll give my recent activities a proper write up soon after the new year.

[EDIT] Just found out the story's been picked up by MTV as well. Bayou Arcana seems to be gathering steam.