Wednesday, 12 October 2011

I have been learning new things.

It's time for me to pick up some new skills! A project that I'm working on at the moment with Jack Tempest is progressing nicely. I haven't mentioned much about this one because, well, we've been moving forward very quickly on it. I say 'we' but what I really mean of course is Jack. Dude works fast, and I've just had to keep up. I'll post more about it once the submission pack is done and sent off.

It's been fun. I've been enjoying working on this project immensely, and seeing the pages of artwork coming in has made me feel like a proper writer again.

But to the new skills - I have decided to have a stab at lettering this project myself. I've never done it before, so I will shoulder the blame if it all cocks up. Lettering seems to be one of those skills that's very easy to do badly and incredibly difficult to do well.

Roland has been kind enough to offer me a few pointers, and I've had tons of fun just mucking about in Illustrator assembling the speech balloons and captions.

So hooray for doing things I've never done before!

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Lost a Luchas de Apuestas against myself

Like Samson and Chris Jericho before me, I have had my hair cut and have thus become lessened. On the plus side, for the first time in many years I don't have to worry about what to do with my hair or become infuriated when I feel the damned stuff tickling my ears. Unfortunately I'm currently suffering Phantom Hair, and the back of my head occasionally feels tight, as if I still have my hair tied back. It's most peculiar.

In other news... oh dear, look like there isn't any other news. Sorry. I've been immersed in literature, classic films and comics recently, trying to get back my passion for writing.

I might have a little more to show for it soon - I've just dived headlong into Broken Smile for Accent again, and not before time. I'm again trying something new - I'm just opening a word document and slapping stuff down on the page, regardless of whether it's a cohesive scene or even a definite part of the story. I'm unconcerned with waiting to feel 'ready' to write, or what sort of mood I'm in. The important thing is that I'm getting stuff down. I can dwell on how to turn it into a story at a later date.

I've written about thirty pages of stuff that's probably never going to go anywhere.

It's an exercise, and if it gets me enthusiastic about writing after this extended period away from it, all the better. I don't think I've ever had a less productive time than during the last eight months. It feels strange to be doing something again...