Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The year ahead

Greetings once again! It's been a little longer than I foresaw between blog posts over Christmas, mostly because there's been nothing new to report - I've generally just spent the last month blobbing around like a fat tub of lard, eating choccies, drinking beer and watching telly. It's been bliss, but it's not been particularly noteworthy in a writerly way.

So, onwards, then. I've formulated a schedule of work for the next 12 months, although like most of my self-imposed deadlines, it's pretty loose and is subject to change, depending on what comes up.

Firstly, I'm going through Hudson Falls one final time, just cleaning up a few spelling and grammatical errors. This is turning out to be a slightly bigger job that I had anticipated, and once that's done I'll be putting together some character bios for the new submission pack I'm working on. I could have a bit of good news regarding an artist coming soon, but don't want to count my chickens.

After that, it'll be another script for Accent UK. After they passed on Hudson Falls due to its length I got to thinking about alternative ideas for them, and I have one that's absolutely kick ass and will come in with a much shorter page count. Fingers crossed they like this one when it's done.

After that, I'm going to write another script - no publisher attached, no artist on board, no nothing right now. This is going to be for future investment, as the plan is to have three full length scripts finished and at various stages of production by July.

The rest of the year will be taken up by Empty, my horror novel for younger readers. I'm determined to get at least a partial first draft done by the end of this year - I keep putting this off due to comic book projects, so I really need to stop procrastinating and get stuck in once the other projects are done.

So there we have it. A bit of an ambitious target for a 12-month period, and I'll probably get distracted by umpteen other possibilities along the way and not get it all done, but it's important to have goals, even if you're constantly shifting them.

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