Saturday, 9 April 2011


God, I hate idiots.

As it has been such a nice day, I decided to go for a walk a little earlier this afternoon. Sadly, as I was meandering around town minding my own business a pissed up man with greyed hair and an inability to walk in a straight line barges into me. Because, let's face it, I'm not a small chap, he bounced off me like a kid on a trampoline and fell flat on his arse.

I would have hoped that when a passerby approached him to help him up it would have been the end of the story - no. Unfortunately the drunk old fool decided then would be an appropriate time to start yelling, trying to tell anyone within earshot that I'd barged into him on purpose, specifically to knock him down. This guy was so hammered that his memory's revisionist history kicked in the instant the collision occurred.

For my part I just rolled my eyes at the lady walking alongside me, who had seen the entire episode, shook my head at the sozzled geezer and went on my merry way, trying to ignore his slurred ramblings as they faded away behind me.

I wondered how anyone could be that drunk at 2 in the afternoon. It genuinely baffled me until I remembered it was Grand National day and then it all made sense.

People like that really piss me off.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Stuck in Limbo

In more ways than one.

The house hunting continues to go poorly. I still haven't found a new place - I'm looking at house shares now because all the decent solo-occupancy flats in Chester are annoyingly juuuuuust out of my price range - and I promised myself I wasn't going to pick up any writing projects until I got that sorted out. I don't work well when I'm ill at ease in my working space. I'm itching to get started though, so I feel like I'm stuck with the handbrake on, revving the engine. Self-imposed schedules are a right bitch.

In order to take my mind off how pissed off and frustrated I am, I think I may have slightly overspent on goodies this month. I've blown maybe more than I should have on books and video games; and definitely more than is healthy on takeaway food; so about a week out from payday I'm practically skint already. I have not been clever.

On the plus side, I've been distracting myself from living in Limbo by playing Limbo on XBLA, which is a beautiful little platform/puzzle game I can't recommend highly enough. In many ways it's quite similar to Braid but with an added pseudo J-Horror feel to it that makes it one of the most atmospheric games I've played in a while.

I'm also cheerfully chugging through Valkyria Chronicles, an old game plucked off the top of my Pile of Shame, although 'cheerfully' is probably the wrong word to use. It's a confusing game - by turns unremittingly bleak and cloyingly twee, it often seems that by playing it you're volunteering to take part in some experiment on the effects of severe mood whiplash. Either that or I'm suddenly bipolar.

Other than that, water is still wet, the sky is still blue, I'm still wide awake later than I wanted to be and it's too late at night to start doing anything new. As a result, I'm surrounded by things to do, and I'm bored witless.

That's how I spend most of my evenings at the moment, and it's more than a little depressing. God, I need to get into a new place as quickly as possible. I think I'm going slightly round the bend.