Saturday, 9 April 2011


God, I hate idiots.

As it has been such a nice day, I decided to go for a walk a little earlier this afternoon. Sadly, as I was meandering around town minding my own business a pissed up man with greyed hair and an inability to walk in a straight line barges into me. Because, let's face it, I'm not a small chap, he bounced off me like a kid on a trampoline and fell flat on his arse.

I would have hoped that when a passerby approached him to help him up it would have been the end of the story - no. Unfortunately the drunk old fool decided then would be an appropriate time to start yelling, trying to tell anyone within earshot that I'd barged into him on purpose, specifically to knock him down. This guy was so hammered that his memory's revisionist history kicked in the instant the collision occurred.

For my part I just rolled my eyes at the lady walking alongside me, who had seen the entire episode, shook my head at the sozzled geezer and went on my merry way, trying to ignore his slurred ramblings as they faded away behind me.

I wondered how anyone could be that drunk at 2 in the afternoon. It genuinely baffled me until I remembered it was Grand National day and then it all made sense.

People like that really piss me off.

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