So Thought Bubble came and went, and I'm left wondering how in the hell I got through it all in one piece. On Saturday night there was some measure of alcoholic beverages which were partaken of at a party in a big round room, and thus I spend most of Sunday desperately trying to hold myself upright. I'm too old for such excess these days.
That being said, it was a phenomenal weekend. Highlights included: Finally meeting Cy Dethan after missing him at the last few shows and picking his not-inconsiderable brains for advice about pitching to publishers; listening to Jon Lock and Lucy's bizarre and hilarious idea for a time travel story that had me in stitches; and dancing Gangnam Style with Karen Rubins for as long as our enthusiasm could maintain (which admittedly wasn't very long.)
Big thanks to everyone for making the experience so great, especially on a Sunday that could very easily have just become a nausea-fuelled blur. I really wasn't very well at all.
Mostly, it was fun to catch up with folks, see their new projects and pick up a few copies while my cash lasted. They know who they are, and the list is long, so I won't name names. Needless to say if you read this and a small part of you goes "D'aww," I mean you. Hugs all round.
I came away from Leeds exhausted, but inspired to throw myself back into my writing at a time when I have admittedly become a bit lazy and lethargic about the whole thing. I've made a list of things to do over the coming months, and although Christmas is looming there is no need for me to check it twice. Everything on it needs to be done, and so I have some goals which I just have to spin into a schedule of activity and on I go.
Happy times.