Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Take me away, I don't mind. But you'd better promise me I'll be...

Back, and about time.

Apologies for not posting recently, but things have been very stressful and temperamental recently and only now do I feel like things are settling down the the extent that I can think about my web presence  again. There's still work to be done, but there is a light at the end of this long, bleak tunnel I have been traversing.

After several weeks of the whole situation feeling very transitional and a bit weird, I'm starting to feel a bit more settled in Bristol. The last few months have been a surreal experience, what with unemployment and then relocating, etc. At times it's felt like I've been living in a bubble. It was deliberate - I have consciously kept my life in standby mode while I sort things out, so apologies for maintaining some degree of radio silence over this period - but I'm beginning to feel like the time is nearing for me to wake up and get things back on track again.

I'm sure this weekend will mark the point where I finally start to feel like I live here now, instead of being here on some odd working visit. New job is great (albeit quite busy and stressful.) New house is great, and in a few days I think I'll have everything just the way I want it. I'm waiting on a few deliveries of things, and after that I should be ready to get on with my life.

Relocating was a ball ache of epic proportions, but it's done now and the only casualty of my relocation was my PC's 5.1 set, which packed up completely after the move. Thankfully it's still under warranty so I can get it replaced. Oh, and my pride last weekend, as I stood by helplessly and watched all my well-laid plans unravel before my eyes in about three minutes flat. That was not fun.

All in all, I'm still not sure how to feel about the whole experience. In hindsight it needed to happen, for my sanity as well as my working life, but as I still don't know anyone down here I'm very much feeling that all I do with my time is sleep and go to work. It's peculiar that I should feel so isolated in a city four times the size of Chester.

But that will change in time I'm sure. In the meantime there are still things to do. Changes of address, things I need to buy.

Like additional pairs of shorts and t-shirts that are not black. Damn this hot weather...

And writing. I have done literally none at all for over two months. When I'm in the right head space I will be bombing straight into Hudson Falls with gusto.

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