Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Is the verb 'to chillax' in the dictionary yet?

...It should be, for that is what I have been doing.

Occasionally I like to reaffirm my right to kick back and do sweet FA, and to that end I have been spending my time sat around eating Doritos, watching TV, playing video games and reading books. Bliss.

I am awash with information. I've been watching lots of BBC documentaries - and nobody does documentaries as well as the BBC - including a classic: Simon Schama's History of Britain, which aside from the unconvincing low-budget recreations it spews forth every now and then is pretty faultless.

Also been trying to get into HBO's Game of Thrones, because Sean Bean is The Man, but I'm not sure I like it very much. Having read up a little on the story arc of the books, I don't think I'll like subsequent seasons any more, either. It seems that the entire series is nothing more than a procession of unnecessarily horrible things befalling House Stark, who are the only likeable characters in a cast of contemptible bastards.

Contemptible bastards seem to be a recurring theme in the fiction I'm subjecting myself to at the moment. I'm currently reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, which features such a shower of repugnant, self-indulgent arseholes I feel like I need a shower after finishing each chapter. I'm not usually a fan of stories where the main characters are such unapologetic cocks, but I'm enjoying it a hell of a lot more than Game of Thrones. I'm guessing it doesn't have the ending I feel it deserves, and that's to have a Predator land in the street, gut everyone and steal their spines.

Maybe that should be the next project for the "Pride & Prejudice & Zombies" gang.

Tonight was the first night this week I opened up OpenOffice and started writing a bit, this time working an a little short for Mike Garley's Dead Roots anthology ( before I get cracking on 'Broken Smile' once again. The first draft of this short should be finished by Friday, and it should be ready to go by Monday.

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