Monday 7 May 2012

Gearing up

I'll level with you - not very much is going on at the moment. I'm mostly chilling out and gathering together the stuff I'll be taking to the comic shows in Bristol and London over the next two weekends, so not very much progress is being had in other areas.

I should have a better write up next week - I'll have the Bristol show to talk about, at which I'm sure goings on will be going on, so until then I don't have anything to report.

Been getting caught up with a few TV shows I've been meaning to catch up on and get some reading done. This week I finally get through Dorian bloody Grey, I promise myself that. I know it's Wilde, and it's a classic and all, but it's not really my cup of tea. I'm going to get it done, however. Not letting the thing defeat me, no siree.

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