So, then. A blog entry. Finally. As you might have guessed, I've had a couple of weeks off from all things writery. This has not been deliberate.
Well, I say that, but at least the first week was on purpose. I wanted to take a step back from everything after Kapow and just ponder things for a bit while I planned ahead. Through my natural laziness that one week became three. Oops.
On the plus side, I watched a lot of Jackie Chan movies and played a fair bit of Star Wars: The Old Republic. So it's not like I sat there doing nothing.
So to catch up, Kapow was - as you probably all know by now - awesome. The weekend went by in a bit of a blur in hindsight, but the running highlights included hanging out with that lovely Bayou Arcana lot, sitting in baffled silence on our panel while other people talked, and meeting Glenn Fabry. That last one was a bit of a shock. I was genuinely starstruck and lost for words when he handed me his work-in-progress and asked me what I thought. I managed to hastily cobble together some comments that possibly made sense, but there's an equal chance that they were gibberish. I shall have to make more of an effort to not react that way when people I admire and respect ask me things.
It was great to see all those I saw. Overeager puppydog wavings go out to all, including Jon Lock, Corey Brotherson, Yomi Ayeni, Lynsey Hutchinson, Dan Hartwell, Karen Rubins and of course Jimmy Pearson for making Bayou Arcana happen. If I missed anyone out, next time I see you I will make it up to you by picking you up in a warm embrace and shaking you until you go limp.
I won't dwell any more on Kapow, because everyone is probably sick of hearing about it at this stage. I will instead look ahead, to that vast horizon that beckons from the other side of my keyboard, where magnificent stories unfold and I make big bags of cash. To that end, I'm once again postponing the novel I was supposed to start in April to get another comic book project going.
I know, I know. At this rate I'll never start that book. But this comic project is hopefully not going to be an enormous undertaking. It's a rewrite and possible retooling of Hudson Falls, my project from last year, which I will be aiming at a new publisher. Nothing definitive yet, as I wasn't able to pitch it to the publisher at Kapow, but I remain optimistic about its chances. There's no artist attached to it yet so once the new version of the script is properly underway I shall be going on a bit of a talent search.
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