Sunday, 12 September 2010

Done and dusted

This weekend I finally delivered what I'm hoping is the final version of the script for Accent UK I mentioned in a previous entry. It's been a tough slog, this one, and it's taken me the best part of 18 months, on and off, to get to this stage. Numerous false starts and frustrations, too. Now it's finished, and I can happily draw a line under it and move onto something else.

I'm not sure why getting this script finished was giving me so much trouble. I'm putting it down to the fact that this script is one of the weightiest things I've written, and also one of the few that doesn't have anything of the fantastic about it. It's certainly quite unlike anything else I've written before. I'm hoping the publishers like it. Now that it's finished I'm actually quite proud of it.

But things chug along. I'm intending to take a week or two off from writing to doss around and play video games before having another look at the first couple of issues of 'Come and See'. After that, it'll finally be time to get cracking on my kids' book.

Now that's going to be a challenge...

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