I've just sent the last few files' worth of text over to Christian Jones, my web designer and graphic artist chum. Officially, my text-based contribution to version 1 of the website is now handed in, being marked by teacher, and I sit expectantly biting my nails, hoping I've got at least a B+.
There's not a great deal of it, truth be told. Just a few paragraphs on existing projects and another couple about myself. Of course, it'll grow as time goes on, but for now, my work (at least on the website) is done. I'll soon be back to working on the projects themselves. Maybe after another week or so of video games, that is.
It's over to Christian now to make my aimless ramblings look a bit sexy and interesting. What he's going to do with it all is a genuine mystery. Apart from a few vague nudges, I've kept my nose out of it. He's good at what he does, so he'll certainly work the magic he has honed during his time in advertising and do something that looks a bit swish.
Looking forward to seeing it.
Well Darren, I have made those lovely changes you requested!
ReplyDeleteAs you are aware, I have lots of things to do at the weekend, some of it involves swinging around a chainsaw to provide firewood for Rem's insane lust for heating the living room near boiling point!
So, it's nice to sit in front of my lovely Mac with my music playing and NOT getting dirty! - Just like a normal working day!?