Thursday, 21 October 2010

So It Begins...

The new initiative to get my foot in the door in as many places as possible, that is.

I spent most of yesterday fleshing out some ideas from various things, and today has marked the beginning of the scriptwriting process, and I've begun advertising for artists to collaborate with on these projects. Time will tell if any of them get anywhere.

The brainstorming itself was a complete nightmare. I had to take to sitting in front of TV Tropes and watching movies, hoping that something planted a seed in my head that I could grow. It got so frustrating at one point I just sat at my desk, pounding the sides of my head trying to make the ideas come out.

That didn't work, either.

Eventually, after a lot of hard work and false starts, I got some decent ideas down. Some are old ideas I've retooled to fit these submissions, some are new. At least one of them is completely mental, but I'm keeping quiet about the details until I know something is happening with them.

I've got another holiday tomorrow, and I'm hoping to have at least another two short story scripts finished by the weekend. I'm setting myself some tight deadlines, but I have no idea if there's a time limit on some of these submissions. I figure it's best to act quickly. Every target that I set myself and meet means I'm slightly better at working to an end date, so when the time comes for me to work to genuine deadlines, I'll be well accustomed to it.

They're only a couple of pages long each. I figure if I can get another one done this evening, I can spend all day tomorrow on the last, and give them another pass to add some polish at the weekend.

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