Monday, 26 March 2012


All done. Gosh, is there anything that feels quite as glorious as finishing a first draft of a script? The relief and satisfaction are immense.

Admittedly there's a lot of work still to go. The rewrite process is going to take me into April, and I'm estimating that I'll have something in decent shape, ooh, let's be daring and say three weeks from now.

It's a layered process, my system for rewriting. Firstly I strip the script down and rebuild it in chronological order to make sure it all makes sense and follows. When I'm confident it is I'll put it back together as originally. Once that's done, I give the characters a once over, tightening up dialogue and making sure each voice sounds unique, and making sure nobody says or does anything inappropriate for any given scene. Then finally, a last lick of polish to make sure it flows well as a story.

Three tasks, three weeks. I should be able to manage it okay. Taking a few days off for now, though. I find it's always a good idea to take a step back from something before starting to change it up. It gives you a better sense of the big picture. When I'm writing I tend to get consumed by the details and the whole thing becomes a bit blurry in my head.

Oh, and then I have to come up with a new title. "Broken" just feels a bit lazy, and not really what the story is about.

But still - draft one is done! Woo, yay, etc.

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