Wednesday, 21 March 2012

But for me, it was Tuesday.

Cor, today was busy. I got through a big 9 page splurge on Broken, and I've finally reached the final confrontation bit. I'm going to have to work hard to make sure I tie up as many loose ends as I have space for. There is much for my characters to discuss as they beat the tar out of each other on the edge of a cliff.

Like money and power. Friends. Traps. And teeth.

Actually I'm not sure I have space for that last one. There's a subplot about the villain's smile that I haven't had much of a chance to develop as much as I would have liked, so I'm not sure if it'll make the final cut. But meh. It's a first draft. I can cut it out or add more stuff in at the redraft stage if it doesn't work as it is.

I did a quick scan through the scenes in chronological order tonight too, just the see if they made sense. They pretty much do. There are a few things here and there that I need to tinker with, but for the most part it seems to flow well. That spreadsheet I made in the early days of all the events and how they relate to the characters really came in handy.

Sometimes having OCD is a boon.

12 pages to go. I should get it done by Sunday, fingers crossed. Go me.

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